On The Trail Of Don Quixote - Libro Guía de Viaje de On The Trail Of Don Quixote - Tintablanca
English product


Written by Antonio Lucas

Illustrated by Ana Jarén

Includes gift box and bookmark

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Los caminos del Quijote, los paisajes del mayor mito literario

El periodista y poeta Antonio Lucas y la ilustradora Ana Jarén escriben y dibujan adjetivos con los que comprender el paisaje cervantino

Data sheet

Title On The Trail Of Don Quixote
Authors Antonio Lucas (Writer), Ana Jarén (Illustrator)
Number of pages 240
Hardcover book bound in organic cotton fabric dyed with natural dyes. Cases with 224 pages of 100 gram art paper, ideal for calligraphy with all types of writing utensils, plus a 16-page booklet on 200 gram extra-white paper for sketches and drawings, resistant to water-based painting techniques.
Measures 205 x 130 mm
ISBN 978-84-122203-5-3
Primera edición
Marzo de 2023 PVP 28,90€

Antonio Lucas and illustrator Ana Jarén take us on a personal and offbeat journey through the La Mancha of Cervantes

Don Quixote is a novel and a trail, a journey and a path, an education and a glorious portrait of madness. Its protagonists are characterised and exalted by their extraordinary heroism, fearlessness and absurdity. Their exploits unfold in the Spanish region of La Mancha — a horizontal, agricultural landscape, full of poetry and silence, dotted with historic town squares, windmills, inns, lakes and caves, in which any adventure, however fantastical it may seem, is possible. In La Mancha, the story of Don Quixote will never end.

¿Qué contiene la Tintablanca de On the trail of Don Quixote?
El libro, un marcapáginas y una caja de regalo.

The Authors of On The Trail Of Don Quixote

Antonio Lucas (texts)

—Madrid, 1975—

Entre el periodismo y la poesía, entre Madrid y cualquier lugar. Entre El Mundo y los trenes. Ha recorrido los pasos de don Quijote y su escudero por un territorio hipnótico, cautivador y mítico.

Ana Jarén (illustrations)

—Sevilla, 1985— 

Captura la belleza de la vida, la gente, las escenas del día a día y los pequeños detalles. Sus protagonistas son iconos de la cultura popular doméstica. Ilustra para grandes medios internacionales.

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